The Humans Behind Trigger Conversations:


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Current Projects:
Tidying my kitchen cupboards… and Shake Awake - a conscious sober event that eats glitter, drinks saxophones and radiates joy through collective dancing & guided movement. Find us at festivals this summer!

Why I feel passionate about Trigger:
Because taking the time to listen to stranger’s stories is a powerful step towards understanding one another. It’s slow burning activism.

London Host


Favourite topics of conversation:
Community, sexuality, finding your ‘thang’, ways to disrupt social norms, creating public spaces that celebrate & embrace diversity.

Walking really fast.

Current addictions:
Cereal. (You think I’m joking).

I'm curious about:

How I like to spend time:
Singing in my head, daydreaming, listening to podcasts (‘Guilty Feminist’ & ‘On Being’ are a must hear!)

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